Create Winning Subject Lines With A.I.
Use The Tool Below To Create Subject Lines
Just add the subject of the email in the box. Include a few details and then pick the tone. The tool will generate ideas. Use them, edit them or try again.
What's Next?
The best thing for us to do right now is to start a conversation about your email marketing strategy.
But first a sensible place for me to start is to see how you are doing now. I’ll do a video review and if I think I can improve your results, which as you are here,
I’m guessing you want, then we can chat about how I work.
Pop your URL below where I can sign up to your mailing list and I’ll take it from there.
While I’m there, as a little bonus I’ll check out your deliverabilty too, so we can see which folder yours are ending up in.
Speak soon.
Case study
Dr Robert Melillo is one of the leading Neuroanatomy specialists in the world. We helped him launch a new version of his course for health professionals to learn Functional Neuroanatomy.
After the normal research process which includes brand voice and client personas, After writing the messaging I set up an automated series leading to the launch day.
It was a smash hit. We did mid five figures in revenue on the day. The most incredible part about that was I was having surgery at the time.